I'm back!!! Autumn is my favorite season. I took some time off to be with our new puppy and to just enjoy the crisp air and crunching leaves; but I'm back now. Actually I'm playing hookie tonight from Puppy training school. Bear took her so that I can have an evening devoted to crafts. Today's craft is a simple candy garland shown here on my mantel. It turned out so well that I think I will make another one in red and green for Christmas.1. You will need yarn, scissors, ribbon or thread, tape, tissue paper in the color of your choice, and cardboard tubes. You can use any size or shape.
2. Cut the ribbon to the length that you want your garland to be and then slide on the cardboard tubes.
3. Cut the tissue paper to be at least twice the length of the cardboard tube. These pieces are two and a half times the size of the tube.
4. Using tape, secure the tissue paper to the cardboard tube.
5. Tie the ends of the tissue paper down using the thread or ribbon.
6. Continue adding tissue paper of your color choice and pattern till you have completed the garland. Paperclips attached to either end are helpful with hanging the garland.
I used some extra tubes and tissue paper to make a matching grapevine wreath. I made the wreath in an earlier post. I hope that you enjoyed this fast, easy, and fun tutorial. Have a safe, blessed and fun Autumn!