Monday, October 1, 2012

Baby Announcement!!

Hello. We have a bit of an announcement to share. Some of you know about the frustrations Bear and I have been having and of our loss and tears, but now we have an announcement of joy!
 We are safely into our second trimester so we feel the time has come to share that our little Red Panda is on the way and will be hatching next spring. This one is a sticker! This ultrasound was taken at 10 weeks. You can see our wee one's little heart beating. Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragements. Thank you God for this amazing blessing and privilege. 
Red Panda, we look forward to the day we can welcome you into this world, kiss your sweet face, and nibble your tiny toes.
 I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27