Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy Michaelmas

Happy Michaelmas day!This post is a bit long and scattered, but I wanted to share how we spent the day. The lovely helmet and breastplate in the picture were a gift from my sister and her family for Panda today. The puppets we have been playing with this week and slowly talking about Michaelmas. I also made Panda a flame hand-kite with jingle bells for this special day. As time goes on we will add more meaning into our activities, but for now we are meeting Panda where he is at and just making today be a special day.
This year Panda and I spent the day at my sister's house. I was in a lot of pain and am very grateful that they not only took us in but filled the day with so many special activities and treats. Thank you Mouse Family. This picture was hanging on my sister's wall today. It's not the traditional Michaelmas verse, but I like it.  
We made leaf rubbings with beeswax block crayons, and had soooo much yummy food. Possibly a bit to much. There was special apple cheese, dragon bread, apple chicken sausages, onion soup, chocolate zucchini cake, and more apples sliced to show their hidden stars. I'm not sure if my belly is more full of food or baby at this point. Oye! Be warned, my sister and her family like to over feed pregnant women!!
 A grapevine wreath  was hung outside for pool noodle javelins to be tossed through....
 They also picked up foam swords for a full blown melee. We also read the story book "NightSong" By Ari Berk. Again, not your traditional Michaelmas story, but it resonated more with where I believe Panda is at this point in his life. It's about a little bat who goes out into the big wide world for the very first time and needs to find his own song to find his way in the deep deep dark. Wonderful book.
 This was my sister's display today.  I love the big headed angel with a cowlick. I added the tiny bouquet of white Michaelmas daisies that I found growing in my yard as a small "Thank you" and surprise . It really was a wonderful day. 
 In other news, Autumn has been slowly rolling in. The last of our yard's harvest came in when Panda was FINALLY allowed to pick the only three apples that managed to make it to maturity on our tree this year. He was thrilled to pieces and they tasted so divine!
And last of all... Badger is going to make an appearance any day now. I feel that time is short. Luckily I finally finished the sweater and bonnet I started last Autumn before Badger even joined us. Soon, very soon our three will be four. I don't know if I will be able to post again for a while, but till then,
Shine On.
Always shine!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Talk Like A Pirate Day 2015

Ahoy me hearties! It's that time of year again. Today Panda celebrated his third National Talk Like a Pirate Day (here is the link for last year's celebration).  For those that don't know, this is one of my all time favorite holidays and bed rest or no, I was going to find a way to make today happen for Panda.
The day started counting our gold doubloon pillows.. and then tossing them around like any good scurvy sea dog would. To calm things down we drew treasure maps and practiced placing stickers on them.
 When we were cleaning up we found an "authentic" nature treasure map and decided to follow it to see what could be seen. We needed to find a leaf, a rock, a stick, a duck, and an acorn.
 Our adventure took us along the river (don't worry, I spent the day in the wheelchair to conserve energy) where we found our stick and leaf right away. Panda had fun chasing the ducks (don't worry, they were well compensated with treats afterwards). 
Panda loved calming down on the rocks and listening to the sound of rushing water and wind in the trees... We never did find our acorn, but we did find several helicopter seeds, pinecones, flowers, and a feather or two.. I thought that was good enough and happily gave Panda his treasure.
 This year's treasure was a tiny felt boat with peg pirates. Panda has been itching all week to play with them. He has been barely able to contain himself while watching me make them for him. The parrot has disappeared more than a few times to be admired with wonder in tiny hands.
Then it was off to our favorite cafe' for juice boxes and some yummy safe cookies.
 We had plans to go too a splash pad, but with temperatures in the 60's all day we opted for a boat turned ball pit sensory bin in the back yard. I don't think Panda noticed the shift in plans. He loved tossing and digging and flinging all these balls around.
I am exhausted and won't move for the next few days, but I'm so happy we made today happen for my little scallywag. It was a good day.
a very good day..
Shine on..