Welcome Back! It's so good to be blogging again. I had a fun post planned for Saint Patrick's Day, but things were just still up in the air last month. Next week is Panda's birthday and we have a special Tinkerbell Birthday party planned for him, so to build to that his daily activities will all have a fairy theme this week. I know I know, Tinkerbell is Disney and we don't watch much TV in this house, but Tinkerbell is one of those rare movies I don't object to, and It's Panda's favorite thing. For his sensory bin this week I used soap scented split peas, rocks for a path, pine-cones, felt flowers, bells, and a few special new figures. He had so much fun wiggling his feet in the peas and making Tinkerbell swim through them. He played with this bin for almost an hour yesterday!

I borrowed a butterfly punch from my sister and made several construction paper butterflies for sorting. This activity was a flop till Bear got home. Bear started scooping the butterflies up with a spoon and dumping them into the bowls. Panda was only to eager to help out. So it's not what I intended, but this activity did work out in the end.
Fairy dust ball sorting. All this is, is a ice cube tray and pom poms, but Panda loves stuffing the pom poms into the holes. It works on his pincher grasp and focus. He played with this activity for about fifteen minutes. He filled and dumped them three times.
Fairy hockey! One of the things we are dealing with is a diagnosis that Panda has a sensory processing disorder. He craves motion, movement, and impact. Whacking this ball around the house with wooden spoons fills some of that need.

Another activity we've started doing each morning to help fill some of his sensory needs is to have tunnel time. We are still so new to figuring out what will help Panda so I can't write to much on that right now, but Toddler Tuesdays will now have a few special sensory items added in each week as we try to unravel the mystery that is my sweet boy. Soon he will be getting a platform swing and a small fort to hide in when his senses overwhelm him. For now, This is our start. Any suggestions are more than welcome. Panda loves little sensory things (like his sensory bin, clay, ripping paper, and painting), but it's the BIG things that he craves. Finding peace with loosing most of our furniture while he learns what is safe and what is not all over again has been a difficult transition for us. Currently he is seeing four occupational therapists a week, which while helping, is also frustrating and interferes with our natural rhythms. We are slowing figuring this one out,.
Again, I'm so happy to be back and will be visiting blogs again as time allows. I've missed you all. Have a blessed week, and shine on!